Home Detox: A Huge Guide To Buying Safer Products

Skin Deep -  A Huge Guide To Buying Safer Products 

Where To Start

Okay, so you know that there are toxins and hormone-disrupters everywhere what do you do now? It can be pretty overwhelming to begin going through all of your products and tossing them only to be left with a big question... "NOW what do I use?" I've found that the best way to avoid toxins is to make everything yourself, but this really isn't practical (or enjoyable) for everyone. So how do you start buying safer products without spending hours researching labels and spending a ton of money on natural products? I have a HUGE resource for you!! 

 Its called Skin Deep by the Environmental Working Group. Here is their website: 

They have a huge database from cleaning supplies to makeup. You can view a company as a whole or an individual product to see what ingredients they use. They show all of the ingredients on used and rate each one according to how high of a threat it is. 0 is the least toxic and 10 being the highest. Seriously though. I challenge you to click that link and type in the shampoo you are currently using. You may be surprised at what's in there.

Some Money-Saving Tips That Have Helped Me

- Switch Products Out as I've Needed Them:
I buy and lookup one thing at a time which is way less overwhelming then purging everything and replacing immediately.

- Don't buy the most natural brand: 
Sure, its best to have the purest ingredients in your home and especially on your body, but most brands that are truly pure - though completely worth the investment - just aren't in everyone's budget abilities. 
  I like to enter in the item I want like "mascara" in the "EWG" website listed above, then scroll down the list (ordered least toxic to most) until I see a brand that I recognize, these are usually cheaper since the more expensive natural specialty brands are one's that I've never heard of. I aim to stay below the 3 rating. I've been pleasantly surprised that some cheap brands have some really low-toxic products. 

Don't Forget to Look for Lables

Here are some useful labels to look for when purchasing that are free of most unhealthy ingredients:


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