Home Detox: Triclosan - The Reader's Digest

TRICLOSAN- The Reader's Digest

What is Triclosan?

It's an "antibacterial" agent added to products to help control and kill bacteria.

What is Triclosan in?

Triclosan can be found in soaps, washes, toothpaste, deodorants, dishwashing liquids, some clothing, cookware, furniture and even toys. You may have heard that the FDA just banned the use of Triclosan. That's GREAT right? Well... almost. the FDA has banned the use of Triclosan in washes and soap products... but that's it. It can still be found in the rest of the items I listed above and some of these items don't require their ingredients to be listed.

Health Concerns

Some studies suggest Triclosan causes cancer in the liver (which makes sense to me since our livers are our body's detoxing machine) as Triclosan breaks down, it emits dioxins, which are some of the most toxic chemicals on earth.

Endocrine (Hormone) Disruptors
As scientists began focusing on endocrine disruptors in the 1990's, they found that Triclosan can simulate the body’s own hormones. It affects estrogen, androgen, and thyroid hormonal systems. Our bodies are made to be beautifully balanced systems and efficient communicators. When something throws off the scale it can wreak havoc in certain areas in our bodies. Especially when it comes to our hormones since they are our bodies messengers.

What To Do? (BIG TIP- Don't Miss It)

  Okay so remember the scary part about Triclosan still being out there hidden in products that don't require ingredient disclosure? Well I have an easy tip for you: Avoid purchasing products with the word "Antibacterial," yep it can be just as simple as that.
   Also, the FDA has found that Triclosan is not proven to be any more effective than washing with plain ol' soap and water. Just another reason why some of our grandmothers lived long... because they lived a long time using the basics. 


http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/expert-answers/triclosan/faq-20057861, http://www.healthline.com/health-news/the-50-year-war-over-toxic-chemical-triclosan-100415#1


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