Detoxing The Home - Where I Got Started

   After I became pregnant I began reading about the toxicity of cleaning products. Baby changes everything right? You know those cleaners that make your brain hurt every time you clean the bathroom? Would you at all be surprised that they are filled with chemicals that are toxic to our bodies? I was so disgusted by the information I found that I eventually took the plunge, I went to the kitchen, the laundry room and the bathroom and threw away every cleaning or body product that had fragrances, harsh chemicals or any ingredient with a strange unpronounceable name. Here is a photo of the items I started out with.

I felt so much better knowing that this wasn't going to be in my lungs or on my skin anymore. The next couple of years were ones filled with questions and research. I have a very low budget, so finding natural products that are actually truly natural as well as affordable... wow I had no clue what a challenge I was in for. I've found that making your own cleaning supplies is actually very fast and super cost effective. I have found bloggers who have done so many trials and errors for us so that we don't have to go through the frustration of less effective homemade products.  I'm going to give you some interesting information on chemicals and some fun switches. So tune in soon!


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